Monday, June 23, 2014

My Thoughts- Celebrate Womanhood!

taken from

Thoughts on Women in the LDS Church 

*These are my thoughts, feelings and testimony, and should be treated as such*

For those of who know me, know that I am pretty spunky, head strong, and kind person. In college I pretty feminist and strong willed young woman. I am still pretty opinionated and passionate, but my life experience has broadened my viewpoint on certain issues.

There is a movement in Utah that really has me puzzled. I want to be kind, but I feel like I need to share my feelings on the subject matter. I feel that we hear quite a bit from the side of the movement, but not the other side. What about the millions of women in the LDS church who don't want to be ordained to the Priesthood? What is their story? Why don't we hear more about them in the news? What do the church officials have to say?
I love Elder Oaks who said recently in General Conference, "Priesthood power blesses all of us. Priesthood keys direct women as well as men, and priesthood ordinances and priesthood authority pertain to women as well as men."( Oaks)

The following is is how I feel, my thoughts, and my testimony. Other people have the right to believe what they will, but here is my thoughts.

Having been a member of the LDS church for a long time now, I have been in various callings, and  participated in various leadership meetings, councils and other meetings. I have always been treated with respect and my voice as always been equally heard. I have never been treated differently because I was a woman. In some cases, they relied on my suggestions because the talents I have. I was never treated unfairly because I didn't hold the priesthood.

If anything the gospel of Jesus Christ has taught me, is that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father, and I have a divine eternal destiny and purpose. This true has shaped me from a shy, quiet teen to a strong woman. This simple truth carries a powerful force that has shaped me. With that knowledge, there is such power. I feel empowered with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have go through the Temple and have received sacred knowledge and power there. The Temple ordinances are available to all worthy members of the LDS church. In recent General Conference addresses, they have done a great job on explaining how the Priesthood works. I will post a link below. If you haven't read it, you should!

I know that gender is an eternal principle and with that comes with it the natural differences. Women and men were created different for a reason, and we all  have different strengths and weakeness. With those differences,  we can come together and become a better people. In fighting to be the same, it diminishes our differences. Women need to shine! I am woman hear me ROAR! We don't need to be the "same" as men to do that.

As women, we have the sacred calling of bearing, and bringing new life to this world. Isn't that a glorious responsibility? We have a divine calling of motherhood- we help create life and nurture it in this world. Some day I hope that I have this glorious responsibility and honor. We have so many other talents and skills that are so NEEDED! There are so many roles that are vital in the gospel and only a righteous woman can fulfill that role.

Don't forgot that Elder Oaks also taught in General Conference, "How does this apply to women? In an address to the Relief Society, President Joseph Fielding Smith, then President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, said this: “While the sisters have not been given the Priesthood, it has not been conferred upon them, that does not mean that the Lord has not given unto them authority. … A person may have authority given to him, or a sister to her, to do certain things in the Church that are binding and absolutely necessary for our salvation, such as the work that our sisters do in the House of the Lord. They have authority given unto them to do some great and wonderful things, sacred unto the Lord, and binding just as thoroughly as are the blessings that are given by the men who hold the Priesthood"
( Oaks)

As women in the LDS church, we have so much.
Instead of fighting, shouldn't we be celebrating our divine natures? Instead of focusing on what we don't have, what about what we do have?

Also don't forget that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is headed by Jesus Christ. It is His Church and I firmly testify that Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet of God. It is my sincere hope and prayer that we remember that Jesus Christ is our Savior, in his name Amen.

*Also forgive any grammar errors- my brain goes in 10 different directions

Helpful Links:
General Conference - Keys and Authority of the Priesthood
LDS- Gospel Topics
General Conference- Womanhood the Highest Honor

Great message from Sister Oscarson-

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fun with Jacob

What is a trip to Forks, Washington without Jacob Black? 

So my sister and I took a trip to Forks, Washington, and decided to take a Jacob Black action figure along for the ride. We drove from Utah to Washington, and we had fun along the way! 


Getting fueled up for the trip!

Ready to hit the road!
Wow- the drive is not too interesting...

A cool windmill in Baker, Oregon!

A cool Chinese Cemetery across from the Windmill

The hills are alive with the sound of music!

Jacob is in the dam picture!

I'm the King of the River!

On the way to Forks!

Ready for their photo shoots in Forks!

I am home! 

Edward stalking Belle at her work...

Has anyone seen a vampire doctor?

My house!

While at Forks, Jacob turned into a werewolf!

Yep, that means you Edward!

Jacob in his home territory!

La Push, because it is La Push!

Edward in his natural habitat

Who know they let werewolves on top of the Space Needle?

Jacob didn't really like the Underground tour of Seattle that much...
I'm the king of the ferry!

New accessory- crab claw action! (We were stuck in traffic!)

Mt St. Helens- didn't blow up  because of his hotness!

Where are those Goonies?

This is a great place!

A giant werewolf could be sneaking up right behind you...

Bella is so stupid!

That is what happens when vampires come into our territory....(there is a Ken doll head in the background)

Man, the hike in the wilderness ruins my suit!

I would have taken Bella on a date there! 

Bye Forks!

Back where it all started!

Back in Utah

Friday, July 15, 2011

A good way to end an epic adventure- Potter Polooza!

A magical end? Or a continuation of magical legacy? 
(Disclaimer: Some of my spelling of Harry Potter words may be misspelled- I was just too lazy to look them up!)

Sometimes it is hard to put into words how a series of books and movies can have such an enormous impact. Some "people" would be - enough Harry Potter or who cares? If those people cannot deny how J.K. Rowling has reach millions of people across the world, by the books and movies. What could be more magical than seeing a boy who hated reading devour a seven book series? Or seeing people united in a common culture of literature? What could be better than getting lost in a world of magic?
My love of Harry Potter came from the books. The characters, themes, and storyline can connect to anyone and transport you to a magical world. Now all the movies I don't love, but most of them do a good job. The last two movies are fanastic! As a true Harry Potter fan, I want to a midnight release party- Potter Pol ooza! It was true celebration for Potter fans.


Not Sytherlin, Not Sytherlin!
 Polooza time!
There was a Horocrux hunt- which was a blast with my friend Kathy! We had to hunt all of the horocrux with Harry Potter trivia. It was so exciting! We solved all the clues and found them all!
It was a magical journey to Hogwarts! There was Potion Owl (which was hard, but I passed!) Being sorted, Ravenclaw! (So worried that I would be Slytherin!) Quidditch practice, which I did pretty well- but I think my true talent would lay as a beater. In Care of Magical creatures I got freaked out by a giant spider and a HUMONGOUS snake. In Herbology I got Mandrake and Devil's Snare seeds. The treats were amazing! I LOVE butter beer! It was really sweet, and had a butterscotch flavor. I also sampled Acid pops, cauldron cakes, and pumpkin juice. (And I am eating a chocolate frog now)  I didn't not like pumpkin juice- it had the flavor of pumpkin pie, which I hate.

Accio Firebolt!
 I also got to watch Part 1 of the 7th movie, which got me psych up for Part 2! So needless to say by 12 I was one hyper Harry Potter fan. My friend Julie had to keep me under control! The movie did not disappoint! It has some differences from the book, but it is Hollywood. The crowd was great- people cheering, laughing, and then complete silence the last 1/2 hour. I cried the last hour of the movie, it was so moving. Then I cried at the end because it was the end ( I am even crying now writing about it!).

We then had a after party, which was ok. I did get a prize! I got a Hufflepuff wall banner, which is really nice. I am going to be Hufflepuff next year at school, so it going up in my room!

This was a great way to end the Harry Potter movies. Thank you J.K. Rowling for characters who touch our hearts, for story lines that enrich our lives, and for a world of magic that will never die.

Some more Potter Polooza pictures
Order of the Phoenix tattoo!

Professor Lupin! Too bad it turned out too grainy because he really looked like him!

The Death Mark! (It would really make an amazing tattoo!)
